Mando Chef
Tupperware's version of the Mandoline Slicer - some regions refer it as the Super Chef.
MandoChef is a high-grade kitchen instrument, which quickly and effi ciently cuts fruits and vegetables into even and precise slices, crinkle slices, dices, diamonds, french fries cuts, waffl e cuts, julienne and crinkle cuts. The cutting system is extremely sharp and must be handled with care.Tupperware MandoChef
Tupperware Time Savers MandoChef adalah peralatan dapur bergred tinggi yang
berupaya memotong pelbagai buah dan sayuran secara cepat dan efi sien ke bentuk
hirisan nipis, hirisan beralun, potongan dadu, potongan berlian, potongan “french fries”,
hirisan bentuk wafel, racik dan potongan beralun panjang. Sistem pemotongannya
sangat tajam dan perlu dikendalikan dengan berhati-hati.